I love it when people ask this question. This is one of my favorite questions to answer. Right next to “How do I meditate?” Both questions have the same answer really. Zen just means meditation. I love to answer the question because Zen is great, and it gives me a chance to tell someone about something really wonderful and special. Zen is meditation, so what is meditation?
To be fair, Zen is only one type of meditation, but it’s the only one you’ll need. I’ll tell you why. It’s very simple. It has just a few rules, and that makes it easier to stick with it. The more you stick with it, the better you get. But that’s where it gets sticky.
You don’t really practice Zen to accomplish something. Zen is "just sitting". Just sitting is the accomplishment. By sitting in Zen you’ve already reached your goal. So how do you sit in Zen?
Sitting in Zen
Start in a comfortable seated position. Usually on the floor with a pillow under you, and legs crossed. If you can't do that, sit upright in a comfortable chair. You want to have good posture, with your back straight but shoulders relaxed. The goal is to be comfortable, but not so comfortable that you fall asleep. We call this Zazen.
Rest your hands in your lap, and focus your gaze on the floor a few feet in front of you. Set a timer for five to fifteen minutes. Take nice slow breaths, breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth, and count one. Repeat; two. Continue to ten, then repeat until the time is up.
Why sit Zazen?
Another thing people say when we talk about Zen is something like, “I sit but it doesn’t work for me.” We expect to reach some transcendental state of bliss or some higher level. We even use the word “zen” for those states. We say things like “Find your zen” or “That’s my zen.” But these things are not Zen. Zen is just sitting. If your mind is running, and uncalm, then you need to practice the most! In time, you get to know your mind, and it becomes more quiet.
When you sit and do Zazen, you have already reached the goal. Whatever comes up during your sitting is meant to come up. Simply observe and don’t cling to any thoughts. Let them flow like clouds. Some days are cloudy, some days there’s rain, some days have clear blue sky. We simply sit and observe the changing nature of our minds. Zen is about knowing yourself to be yourself, and as soon as you start, you’re there. Thank you.